Friday, 16 October 2009

Beasiswa ke Tsukuba [S1]

Kesempatan buat anak SMA yang jago English n pingin kuliah di Tsukuba, Jepang. Tahun lalu Univ ini masuk peringkat 4 di Jepang. Kampusnya luas dan bagus, kotanya nyaman, bukan kota besar sih... pusat balai2 penelitian di Jepang. Science City.

http://www.intersc. jp/01prospective/scholarships. htm#TsukubaScholarship 2010 University of Tsukuba “Tsukuba Scholarship” for undergraduate English course students

The University of Tsukuba invites applications from international students for the 2010 University of Tsukuba “Tsukuba Scholarship” as per the guidelines outlined below. The University of Tsukuba’s “English Course Program”, which will commence in the 2010 academic year, is newly established program through which international students studying at the University of Tsukuba at the undergraduate level can earn their academic degrees by taking classes only in English.

1. PurposeThe purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial support for exceptional international students who are applying to enter the University of Tsukuba’s English Course Program at the undergraduate level, thereby contributing to the cultivation of people who can make future contributions to international society.

2. Application Qualifications and ConditionsApplicants for this scholarship must fulfill the following conditions: Nationality: Applicants whose nationality is of a country other than Japan (limited to those countries with which Japan has diplomatic relations). Applicants who fulfill the qualifications for entering the English Course Program in any of the following undergraduate schools:(reference) Courses to be established in 2010Undergraduate Program of International Social Studies, School of Social and International Studies Interdisciplinary Course of Life and Environmental Sciences, School of Life and Environmental Sciences Applicants who, upon entering the University of Tsukuba, do not receive nor expect to receive a scholarship or scholarships from any other scholarship- granting organizations or bodies for the purpose of studying abroad. 

3. Duration of ScholarshipThe duration of the scholarship will be from the first month of entering the university until the end of the applicable academic year (August 2010 to March 2011). From April 2011, students may apply for other scholarships from the University of Tsukuba or from other scholarship- granting organizations or bodies. 

4. Scholarship Amount DetailsTravel expenses: The scholarship will pay a uniform amount of 100,000 yen for travel expenses to Japan from abroad when entering the University of Tsukuba. However, this travel expense payment is limited to those recipients who will be newly coming to Japan from abroad for the purposes of entering the University of Tsukuba. Monthly stipend: Scholarship recipients will receive one of the following monthly stipends based on their results in the entrance examination etc. Class 1:100,000 yen per month Class 2: 60,000 yen per month Enrollment fee and first-year tuition exemptions: In addition to the above noted travel expenses and monthly stipend, scholarship recipients will receive exemptions from paying their enrollment fee (a one-time only fee of 282,000 yen) and their first-year tuition (from August 2010 to March 2011, 357,200 yen), for a total of 639,200 yen. 

5. Number of Scholarships Available

Class 1:5

scholarships Class 2: 8 scholarships

6. Application Documents 2010 University of Tsukuba “Tsukuba Scholarship” Application Form (attached form) 1 copy 

7. Application PeriodApplicants for this scholarship should send by mail the “2010 University of Tsukuba ‘Tsukuba Scholarship’ Application Form” (see Item 6) to the following address during the application period indicated in the application guidelines for the English Course Program. Please note that application documentation arriving later than the prescribed application period will not be accepted. Address for submitting application documentation: International Student CenterUniversity of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken JAPAN305-8577 

8. Selection and Notice of DecisionScholarship recipients will be selected based on a comprehensive assessment of their application documentation, the results of their interview (in cases where interviews are conducted for university admission), and the content of their scholarship applications. Results of the scholarship selection will be sent to all applicants for university admission together with the notice of their entrance examination results.Please note: All information that applicants for the 2010 Tsukuba Scholarship submit on the "2010 Tsukuba Scholarship Application Form" will be held in strictest confidence and be used only for the selection of scholarship recipients.This information will NOT be used in connection with the University of Tsukuba entrance examination or admission to the applicant's prospective undergraduate school, and this information has no bearing whatsoever on the results of the entrance examination. 

9. Obligations of Scholarship RecipientsScholarship recipients are expected to fully understand the educational purpose of the English Course Program that is conducted in their affiliated undergraduate school. Furthermore, it is expected that scholarship recipients consistently display leadership skills in educational activities undertaken with other students at the University of Tsukuba as well as any other activities.

10. Special NoteThe scholarship will be revoked if any of the following situations occur: If the scholarship recipient has falsified any part of the application documentation. If the scholarship recipient take a leave of absence, withdraws or is expelled from his/her program of study because of disciplinary measures. If the scholarship recipient has displayed behavior in his/her studies or lifestyle that is deemed unsuitable.

11. Inquiries Regarding the Tsukuba Scholarship for 2010Inquiries may be directed to: The Division of International StudentsDepartment of Global ActivitiesUniversity of TsukubaTel: +81-29-853-6086Fax: +81-29-853-6204 Email: isc-somu@un. jp 


hoshizora said...

hi mas, ,tp ktnya beasiswa tsukuba t uda dtu2p. .

bolh crt dkit ga?
jd gn,sy kn lgganan info beasiswa gt,info yg sy dpt t persis sm dg ap yg mas tlis. .

Tp kmdn sy mrasa ad kjanggalan,akhrnya sy krm email k univ t,mrk blg,mrk tdk sdg membka beasiswa. .
Sy bgung wkt t,akhrnya sy ty k kakak tmen sy,dy bc info t,dan menrt dy,untk kbrgkatan thun bsok t trnyta uda dtu2p. .

Dan dy jg menyarankan,univ2 dJepang t gag ad yg ngadain beasiswa dbuln2 kyk gn,jd dy saranin q bwt ikt monbusho j. .

Nah sy pgn ty,menrt mas tntg beasiswa univ tsukuba t bgaimana?
Trz sy jg ingn tnya,tips2 ngerjain soal trtlis monbusho t bgmana?
Mhon jwbnya dkrim k email sy sj bgmana?[]

skg sy udah kls 3,sy&tman2 trtrik untk mgkti beasiswa yg dr Jpg t. .
Yaa wlpn hy sdkt yg trtrik,tp kami yg trtrik t bnr2 ingn memproleh beasiswa dr Jpg t. .

Emh,kr2 mas bs tdk membrkn tips2 kpd kami,bgmana cr menghdpi test trtls,wawancra dll. .Trutma untk prgram MEXT. .

Domou Arigatou ^^

# sunuhadi # said...

Yay. Harusnya saya konfirmasi dulu sebelum mencantumkan informasi yang tidak up to date. Maaf yah.

Untuk program MEXT, soal2nya sudah lupa tuh :D

Cuman untuk wawancaranya, mereka cuman memastikan kalau kita bener2 niat ke Jepang. Show your spirit and motivation. Keknya kalau udah ikut interview, udah hampir pasti lolos. ^_^