Thursday, 29 April 2010

Call for Participation International Youth Conference on Biodiversity in Aichi 2010!

Kesempatan bagi yang mau jalan-jalan ke Jepang (Nagoya, tepatnya ehehehe)
Dedline 6 Mei 2010. Buruann!!

Program :
The program will take place from August 21 – 27, 2010 as follows:
A) Homestay : One night homestay on August 21, 2010
Stay with a family in Aichi, to experience what “real life” is like in Japan.
B) Conference : Four days from August 23 through 26, 2010
Aichi Health Plaza Comprehensive Health Science Center (Higashiura-cho, Aichi pref.)
C) Excursion : One day on August 24 or 25, 2010
D) Biodiversity Forum : A public Biodiversity Forum will be held on August 27, 2010
Toyota Auditorium of Nagoya University (Nagoya city, Aichi pref.)

For details :

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